, and | elements. Formatting text You need headings to organize your Web page, differing types of type to place emphasis, and lists to keep things interesting. The HTML tag tells the browser that this is an HTML document. An HTML table has two kinds of cells: The thead tag is used to group the header content in an HTML table. The subscript tag is used to define or format text, by shifting the text to the lower part of the current line, called the baseline. Metadata will not be displayed on the page, but will be machine parsable. basic table 8. Similar to the italics tag. elements from which those attributes have been removed permanently â The bold tag is used, as the name suggests, to make text bold, or stand out from other text on a webpage. In this article, we will talk to you about table tag of HTML. The strong tag is a phrase tag. The legend tag defines a caption for the fieldset element. The iframe tag helps you to insert a frame in any HTML document. The |