)When you give an object a layer ID, if a similar object exists with the same ID, it will be removed from the map when the new object is added. plot.ly/r/getting-started p <- plot_ly (library( plotly ) x = rnorm( 1000 ), y = rnorm( 1000 ), mode = ‘markers’ ) plot_ly (x = c( 1, 2, 3 ), y = c( 5, 6, 7 ), $\begingroup$ Besides the well known and excellent documentation on Hadley's page, the not-so-known reference on Git Hub really helps with these kind of … (Note: For managing groups of map elements, see the Show/Hide Layers topic. Loading. But is it possible to plot a shorter line in the legend? R Markdown supports a reproducible workflow for dozens of static and dynamic output formats including HTML, PDF, MS … JointGrid. Loading. A line or two of R code is all it takes to produce a D3 graphic or Leaflet map. The definition of '