Shaman is currently very weak, but I only play shaman! Also stumps other players forcing some miss plays or people running out of time. Try Egg-warrior. but i think that totem shaman and big warrior should be WAY higher. I’m just left confused how a deck can be a strong matchup against everything other than 1 class (Hunter), by your own words it is quite successful in tournaments after banning Hunter, and yet be second to last on this list. Also Aggro Dragon Hunter is unchanged from last expansion and reasonably cheap (provided you have Rotnest Drake). Sorry, but I have to disagree. display only the latest 50 on the first page) or just delete the old ones. Totem shaman should definitely be added to the list. Gotta love how he complains that “fiery win axe” got nerfed and he thinks that makes some huge difference. I’ll look for a way to hide the old comments (e.g. Find the cards that are played the most or have the highest winrate. With a new expansion on the horizon, here are some decks to look out for in the Standard format. Or are you going to wait a few more days before you update this list? Hearthstone Database, Deck Builder, News, and more! Game data is collected using our plugins for Hearthstone Deck Tracker and TrackoBot. It happens? it is also a good board clear as it only targets enemy minions and Libram of Justice is often discounted from Aldor Attendant and Aldor Truthseeker. Also, I disenchanted her to craft an actual tier 1 deck, since I packed Hanar and a lot of the secrets, I decided to disenchant her to make a good deck, rather than a priest deck that takes about 30 minutes to complete one game rather than 10. The Decks are rated Tier 1 – Tier 4 (Definitions by Tempostorm). Is there any chance we can get some Ashes of outlands profile pics? In the past, we got our Decks either from Twitter or Submissions. I mean,just got my 1000 win hero for warrior,got to diamond,and the rotation came in and boom,knocked the warrior out of the window.Just look at the highlander deck you could build in galakrond’s awakening.It was really strong,it got soo much value from cards and now….Now controll warrior is a joke,such as highlander warrior…..The saddest part of it when you build the higlander deck now,and realize that you can not really give any additional value to the deck as a warrior.I mean, yeah sure, got a good prime,but let’s be real here.All the really strong value cards rotated out,and they left warrior with basically the weakest set of cards so far.And what?If i wanna play warrior effectively i have to play that pirate warrior?Come on…Any idea how i can build a control warrior deck or a highlander deck to not S*ck all the time?Or i have to wait for the next expansion to come out?Another thing is,galakrond warrior also unuseable after the rotation,while priest got the biggest buff ever in hearthstone i guess.Awesome! I’m pretty sure it’s not so much a specific position, but rather top X% of players (maybe 10-20%). Every other class had at least one viable deck at any time. we had times when some of them (like Shaman or Priest) were bad for many expansions in a row. And right now the new expansion is right around the corner, so it will be updated after it launches. Below is an earlier HTD decklist; I think he’s recently also been experimenting with Bulwark and Ancharrr. Our deck archetypes are curated by the following TCG experts: EG Swim. Sometimes they does not update it for 2 months. META DECKS. Never dust legs . Quest Combo Priest #435 Legend – banpei1524, Nomi Combo Priest #55 Legend – hs_minister, Combo Bwonsamdi Priest #190 Legend – NanoNasone, Highlander Hunter #42 Legend – SuperiorDavidHS, Quest Shaman #25 Legend – KingVenomStream, [Theorycraft] Quest Shaman – DuncanSmith_hs, Enrage Warrior #276 Legend – Brownartist1, [Theorycraft] Murloc Shaman – DuncanSmith_hs, Murloc Evolve Shaman #3 Legend – OwnerismHS, Murloc Paladin #74 Legend – Invictus9213408, Murloc Paladin #132 Legend – Invictus9213408, Holy Wrath Paladin #11 Legend – Zanananan, Holy Wrath Paladin #165 Legend – F2K_Nicholena, Galakrond Token Shaman #89 Legend – JambreHS, Token Shaman #10 Legend – Pavelingbook_HS, Pain Zoo Warlock #45 Legend – morticiansunion, Pain Zoo Warlock #38 Legend – nohandsgamer, Highlander Mech Hunter #69 Legend – Rase_HS, [Theorycraft] Deathrattle Secret Hunter – HSCharon, Face Secret Hunter #200 Legend – WuLingHS, Face Secret Hunter #14 Legend – KranichHS, OTK Beast Hunter #100 Legend – deathstaV3, [Theorycraft] Beast Hunter – HynraAndersen, [Theorycraft] Deathrattle Beast Hunter – HSCharon, “Highlander” Warrior #214 Legend – Victor2595___, Mech Paladin #48 Legend – SuperiorDavidHS, Quest Galakrond Rogue #3 Legend – RB8647poke, Quest Galakrond Rogue #238 Legend – totosh_HS, Quest Galakrond Rogue #44 Legend – PizzaTCG, Quest Mech Deathrattle Paladin #297 Legend – DekksterGaming, [Theorycraft] Resurrect Priest – WickedGood, Highlander Paladin #7 Legend – DmoneyBrand, Highlander Paladin #19 Legend – DmoneyBrand, [Theorycraft] Highlander Paladin – ngriner, Control Shaman #262 Legend – flyingkrakenhs, Elemental Mana Cyclone Mage #29 Legend – RedSynja, Elemental Mana Cyclone Mage #385 Legend – UsE_Hokage, Summon Mana Cyclone Mage #4 Legend – Apxvoid, Secret Big Spell Mage #53 Legend – NVD_Jarla, Boomship Mecha’thun Warrior #70 Legend – SonagiHS, Undatakah Mecha’thun Warrior #134 Legend – BabyBearHS, Mecha’thun Taunt Highlander Warrior #13 Legend – hiten_hs, Quest Warlock #469 Legend – PAMELA_emuritto, Quest Galakrond Warrior #46 Legend – chanko_hs, [Theorycraft] Highlander Quest Mage – Kondrash_HS, Quest Summon Mana Cyclone Mage – chanko_hs, 48,8% think Priest is the strongest class, 14,2% think Warrior is the strongest class, 3,9% think another class is the strongest, On a Scale 0-100, Saviors of Uldum got a solid 75. After the debacle that was AoO launch, all 10 classes are now actually represented in tier 1 & 2? Can’t wait to try libram paladin with yogg, it should be fun. As a f2p player, I love the posted dragon hunter list. Thank you for your advice,and your reply! Demon Hunter is a Tier 2 deck according to replay and in my hands its more of a tier 5 deck I win maybe 20 percent of my games…. Looking for the Best Wild Decks? “Pray to the RNG gods”? Tier A — These decks are strong. Warrior is really doing okay looking at the history of Hearthstone, it might not be the BEST class ever, but it’s definitely above average (remember oldschool Control Warrior, Odd Warrior or Pirate Warrior for example). Thank you for letting me know how it works! Highly popular and devastatingly effective, these decks are often comparatively safe bets., I crafted Galakrond warlock and it plays so nice that I’m honestly scared the devs might nerf it. Google could find this page more easily, as earlier (now irrelevant) lists won’t show up in the results, and also it’s probably along the lines of this page getting more “hits” and being effectively more popular than other sites (which is probably important for the algorithm) since it is always the same page each time it’s updated, as opposed to creating a new page each time. makes the game unenjoyable! There is not a single decent warrior deck that competes and there has not been in a long time… what the F*** blizzard? When I was playing galakrond rogue i met a quest galakrond shaman and he spawnd 4 8/8s and i was like, “hum……wtf just happened.”. It does really well against most of the top decks and has a chance against almost everything. Totem Shaman is pretty weak, sadly, and while it has its moments, I don’t think it stands up for the rest of the meta. If you win 5 games on the Hearthstone ladder, this is the card back you will receive this month (Season 80): If you are curious what the absolute best decks are right now, here’s a list of them below. ever tried egg enrage warrior or tempo enrage warrior? It’s super strong against a lot of other decks currently. Best Deck Lists to Climb Standard Ladder - Darkmoon Faire - Platinum - Legend (December 2020) - Hearthstone Meta Stats Below each deck, you’ll find a code that you can copy to paste the list directly into your Hearthstone collection. The number of players in Legend vary between servers and seasons, so a fixed number wouldn’t be the best idea. Looking forward to the release and new hero. It was OP so it seems blizzard are now making warrior sh*t and seem to have abandoned it entirely. Our budget Scholomance Academy decks page includes cheap deck lists for the Druid, Hunter, Mage, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock and Warrior heroes of Hearthstone. Burn Aggro. Guess i spoke too soon , sacc pacc is getting nerfed to target only friendly demons (alongside massive DH nerfs) The good part is Jaraxus is coming back into the meta. Here’s my stats playing egg warrior, all games are played in legend. Some of these ideas end with more success than others, though. I think that Shaman is the weakest class right now, Totem Shaman would probably be in Tier 3. Contribute Send Feedback Submit Deck Decks Top Decks; Budget Decks; Demon Hunter; Druid; Hunter; Mage; Paladin; Priest; Rogue; Shaman; Warlock; Warrior; Fresh Decks Darkmoon Faire Top Decks Standard. To play Reno it’s turn 10 (9 under certain circumstances) if you don’t have any board presence yet, you’re playing the deck wrong. Demon Hunter Decks. If you aren’t a premium HSreplay user it shows you the winrates between all ranks(from bronze 10 to legend). we will also include Decks from Twitch, including Details like the VOD Link, Score, avg. It will be updated this week i think. Man stay polite when you ask something and show them some respect for the hard work they’ve done on this site, damn. That seems to be pretty low. Just interested to learn where the difference lies. I’m positive that Galakrond Warlock will also be good, but I’m not as sure as in case of DH . Bomb Warrior and Highlander Priest are both bad matchups for the deck because they are able to clear the board easily and destroy minions easily using things like Coerce and Shadow Word: Death. I like Soul DH. If they have one on board and you soul mirror it (instant concede) ???? The decks have a very similar win rate as of now, but it’s still very early into the meta, so things might change in a week or two. Now, there are TWO of them!”, Please when you update it add quest warlock and libram paladin those are two decks that are super fun and are actually playable after the recent patch. And Illusion Mage has low enough sample size that I can’t really put a number to it… It’s really hard to say how good it is right now. There are lots of comments in here currently, yet almost all from ages past. Some decks might not have decks to show below, this can have different reasons. I love using it mainly on DH big demons and taking them especially the 6/7 deal 6 damage at the end of your turn. I’ll do another big update after 2 weeks or so, when the meta settles Or after a balance update if we’ll have one, of course. Our Hearthstone tier list contains a ranked review of the most competitive Hearthstone decks to play in the month of August 2020 (Season 77). Tier 4: Inconsistent decks that are unrefined, out-of-flavor, overly niche, or retired. Either you’re playing the wrong list or u don’t know the matchups. You should be able to create the board presence after you drop Reno. “This is getting out of hand! Hey, just updated it and both are on the list I mean, it’s Pure not Libram, but Pure seems better (and obviously also runs Libram package). How come TempoStorm has a different tier list (and sometimes other cards) than this list? 100% Agree. Honestly, if you’re a warrior main I think this it a time to try seeing if any of the other classes can temporarily scratch your particular itch (warlock has a pretty good control game right now) and you hope a patch comes along sooner rather than later that shakes things up a little bit. Hearthstone Card Tier List. Like what happened to all the warrior decks? Big Warrior I thought about putting higher, but the deck was outclassed by Bomb Warrior for the last 2-3 days so I had to put it lower. I know thats probably not the right place to ask but i cant help it i need to know it. Hearthstone decks created by the community and Tempo Storm content providers. Tier 5 : Fun decks that should only be used if you play Hearthstone for the joy of the gameplay, rather than the joy of winning. Check out here: Hearthstone’s Best Wild Meta Decks. Really guys? Warrior has been present in the meta in one form or the other for nearly the whole last year. I want to play with the old gods and not get totally destroyed by brainless agro the whole time. the final part is false because the two cards that only trigger if the deck is Pure Paladin aren’t the strongest cards in the deck. Yes since after ungoro warrior was bad i even remember that but since the launch of hs warrior was top 3 classes ever. also why didnt you include illusion mage? Not a single warrior deck can compete anymore and as a warrior player, it has absolutely ruined my enjoyment of the game… i literally just concede immediately to every class other than demon hunter, which it can win about 1 in 5 times, which is better than the 1 in 10 times it wins against all the others… really bad how they’ve just abandoned warrior, You are soooo right! I’m at D2 with it and still climbing. I don’t know about you buy I definitely feel Demon Hunter does not need any more nerfs, I am doing pretty poorly with it now, anymore nerfs I think would make it unplayable. The website is (almost) daily updated so you will get the best experience on what is played right now! Control Warrior & Bomb Warrior were very strong in Rise of Shadows and Saviors of Uldum until Dr. Boom, Mad Genius nerf. It is super annoying because warrior is my favourite class to play but every single expansion, warrior gets average cards while others get amazing cards…. 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